episode 6: unapologically you- living your life

episode 6: unapologically you- living your life

Welcome back to "Unapologetically You," where we celebrate the power of authenticity and pursuing your dreams with unwavering determination. I'm your host, lauren denny, and today, we're diving even deeper into the concept of not caring what others think. insert eye roll and the so much easier said than done attitude.

"Your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life." - Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs' words resonate now more than ever: "Your time is limited, don't waste it living someone else's life." It's a stark reminder that our time on this planet is finite, and the last thing we should do is spend it conforming to someone else's idea of who we should be.

Remember, the critics and naysayers are often those who haven't dared to pursue their own dreams. "The person making fun of you are the people not doing as much as you. So don't listen to them."

But breaking free from the approval trap isn't always easy. I was told when getting into teaching school I was too much of a pollyanna and I would never make it in teaching because my head was too much up in the clouds and I was unrealistic and I would be burnt out from being OPTIMISTIC.

Yet, despite the doubts and the discouragement, I had to convince the judge/educator that he was infact, incorrect, and that with that belief, it was actually a strength of mine. It took everything in my power not to cry in that moment, did i cry on the way down from the meeting and in the elevator and all the way home? sure did. luckily, the other educators outweighed his choice, and let me into the program, and hey, look....still a teacher.

part of me wanted to prove him wrong because I knew deep down that my personality wasn’t for everyone, but it might be for some, and I didn’t want to go into a field of career that altered who i was and change a positive into a negative.

And you know what? It wasn't easy. There were moments of doubt, moments when it felt like the weight of the world was bearing down on my shoulders.

As Winston Churchill famously said, "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."

Our journey hasn't been without its challenges, but with each obstacle we've faced, we've emerged stronger and more determined than ever before. And here's the beautiful thing: by living our truth, by refusing to conform to the expectations of others, forging ahead, determined to carve out my own path, to live life on your own terms. we've not only found fulfillment in our own lives, but we've also inspired others to do the same.

my husband and I moved to the country despite thinking we landed on the dream life of living in a suburb with a community pool, nice cars, a motorhome, etc etc and people talking about our house choice being a run down property they saw no future When my husband and I made the decision to leave behind the suburban life we once thought we wanted, and instead, move to the countryside, we faced even more skepticism.

People questioned our choice, doubted our judgment, and dismissed our dreams. But we knew in our hearts that this was the life we wanted to live—the life that felt most authentic to us. And despite the doubts of others, we took the leap. by daring to dream, by refusing to let the doubts of others dim our light, we've already taken the first step towards achieving our goals.

So to anyone listening who's ever been told that their dreams are too big, their aspirations too lofty, I say this:

Don't let the doubts of others dim your light. Your dreams are valid, your aspirations are worth pursuing, and your voice deserves to be heard.

Join us next time as we continue to explore the transformative power of living life on your own terms. Until then, remember:

It's your life to live—no one else's.

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